Manchester EMS Begins: “Project PPE”

Photo courtesy Manchester EMS

  MANCHESTER – Members of the township’s EMS service are continuing to combat COVID-19 through a new program called Project PPE.

  Manchester EMS, which launched in March, recently announced the start of program that involves Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like masks and surgical caps which have been in short supply across the country.

  These shortages have led many resourceful and innovative people to create homemade surgical masks and caps as a way of protecting themselves and their loved ones from the spread of coronavirus.

  Healthcare partners in local hospitals have been able to use these homemade style masks and caps as well. When disposable N95/KN95 Masks and Surgical Caps come in contact with airborne contaminants they can no longer be safely used. In a hospital setting this exposure happens at a rapid rate.

  The use of washable homemade masks and caps over the disposable N95/KN95 Masks and Caps enables the wearer to prolong the lifespan of the disposable PPE.

  The EMS service’s goal with the “Project PPE” program is to partner with members of the community who would like to donate PPE (homemade and disposable) that can be distributed to area hospitals and the healthcare staff working inside them.

  A no-contact PPE Donation Box has been set up outside Manchester EMS Headquarters at 29 S Colonial Drive for any and all donations. As a precaution, EMS members will launder all donations and then make sure those donations find their way to a healthcare worker on the front lines helping to combat COVID-19.

  Those seeking to help can reach out to the Manchester EMS through private message or the “Contact Us” page at with any questions or to coordinate large donations.