MANCHESTER – “I did this,” a boy said, as he pointed to his artwork on the wall. His was among many “hand drawn monsters” that were part of his fifth grade class.
His work was hanging up in the Manchester Township High School gym, and the whole building had been converted into an art museum for the 5th Annual Manchester Township Youth Arts Festival.
One side of the building was for the younger kids, and the other side was for older students. Many pieces were grouped together by theme or assignment.

A senior showcase was set up where several students were given space to show off a selection of their work. They hung out with their work, greeting passersby. The high school Drama Club performed an act from “How To Succeed In High School Without Really Trying.” There were also vocal performances and the high school band put on short shows.
There were stations set up for kids to make art while they were there. For example, there was “bubble printing,” where kids were encouraged to blow bubbles in paint and then cover the bubbles in paper. Kids became art as well, with face painting.
Concessions being sold were benefiting the high school’s Fine Arts Scholarship.