LAKEHURST – The borough upgraded its war memorial at the lake, and now officials are seeking names of those who have served, to honor at a Veterans Day ceremony in November.
The walkway, lined by a red cedar fence, bears brass plates with the names of Lakehurst residents who have served in the military, Councilman Jim Davis said. The left-side railing at this moment holds the names of those who have since died, either in service or as the natural course of life. Those memorials were introduced at a Memorial Day service this past May.
There are 28 names on the left side, Davis said.
Davis is asking Lakehurst residents to supply names of those who are currently serving or have served and are still living.

Those brass plates, created by Ironbound Trophy Center in Newark, will sit on the right-hand railing that leads up to the existing stone memorials at Lake Horicon.
The upgraded memorial was paid for by the borough and is maintained by Public Works.
Davis said he will remain the council’s memorial liaison as the Fleet Reserve and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10061 take over the site’s administration.
To have a name added, contact VFW Post 10061 at 732-657-6609 or Fleet Reserve at 732-657-7575.