LAKEHURST – Mere hours before saying goodbye to 2019, members of the Lakehurst Police Department gave a sendoff to one of their own. On Dec. 31, 2019, the department bid farewell to Chief Eric Higgins as he retired after 26 years of service to the Borough.
Chief Higgins signed off for the last time at 2 p.m. on New Year’s Eve at the Lakehurst Police Station.
According to the department, Chief Higgins began his law enforcement career in 1994 after serving in the United Stated Marine Corps. During his service, Chief Higgins served as a DARE officer and on the Ocean County SWAT and the Ocean County Narcotics Strike Force teams. He also heroically, and voluntarily, responded to the September 11, 2001 attacks at Ground Zero in New York City.
Chief Higgins holds a Master’s Degree in administrative Science from Fairleigh Dickinson University and is also a graduate of the prestigious FBI National Academy Leadership Program.
Lakehurst Police wished Chief Higgins the best on his retirement, stating: “We will miss all the good times, but most notably, we will miss the passion that Chief Higgins has for the job and this department. We would again like to take this opportunity to thank Chief Higgins for his many years of service to the officers and residents of Lakehurst. Remember Chief, retirement is just a new adventure and know that you will always have a home here at the Lakehurst Police Department.”