LAKEHURST – As a part of the annual “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign, Lakehurst Police will be cracking down on impaired driving during the month of December. From December 8 to January 1, law enforcement will be on the lookout more than ever for drivers impaired by drugs or alcohol in order to promote safe driving habits and keep other motorists and residents safe from the danger of impaired drivers.
Saturation patrols and sobriety checkpoints will be manned by law enforcement officials to test motorists on their level of sobriety. These checkpoints will help police take a more active and engaged role in tackling the pervasive issue of impaired driving.
“During the last five years New Jersey has experienced nearly 40,000 alcohol involved crashes resulting in more than 750 fatalities,” said Lakehurst Police Chief Eric Higgins. “This is a critical law enforcement program that can save lives during a time of the year when impaired driving traditionally increases by nearly 10 percent.”
The campaign focuses on educating the public about the many dangers of impaired driving, while encouraging stricter law enforcement by officials, in order to drastically decrease the number of incidents caused by drunk driving throughout the year. Lakehurst Police has received a grant from the New Jersey Highway Traffic Safety to help them reach this goal by funding overtime patrols.
Law enforcement officials recommend you take mass transit or a cab, have a designated driver, or stay the night if intoxicated.