MANCHESTER – Students at Manchester Township High School will hopefully be able to enjoy some new upgrades to their school, courtesy of junior Rory Dunckley.
As an Ambassador Girl Scout, 17-year old Dunckley is working on finishing up her Girl Scout Gold Project, “Hawks Pride,” which will construct an 833 sq. ft. paver walkway that spells out “Hawks” onto the Manchester Township High School Athletic Fields.
“We need more pride in our school,” Dunckley told the Manchester Township Board of Education recently.
As of August 1, she had already raised nearly half of the funds necessary to complete the project. She estimates the total cost of the project at around $9,000. Her fundraising thus far has brought in about $4,000.
Now nearly 11 months into the project, Dunckley still has a ways to go and she is asking for your help.
In order for Hawks Pride to become a reality, and for Dunckley to receive her Girl Scout Gold Award, she needs to sell approximately12 more 3’x8’ business sponsorship banners to afford her project. Ringing up at $400 apiece, these banners will be displayed at the Manchester Township Athletic Field for the 2019-2020 school year.
In the meantime, Dunckley has been using her talents elsewhere, repainting the snack stand tables at the field with a fresh coat of blue and gold colors; Hawks Pride colors.

Dunckley hopes to obtain the necessary funds to complete her project by the time she graduates in 2020. In addition to the paver walkway she plans to install at the main gate to the football field, she also plans to add a Hawk mascot statue and a new patio around the snack stand with landscaping and space for vending tables for clubs to use during games.
“’We are excited about the project and looking forward to the end result. We are also looking at whatever we can do to help,” said Athletic Director Keith Lister.
Any businesses willing to support Dunckley’s cause can become a sponsor by purchasing a banner to be placed at the high school. Sponsorship information can be found at drive.google.com/file/d/1gD-TadahDlBxA9B5dfugXB5DTyludCDL/view.