MANCHESTER – The township’s EMS employees have received some accolades in recent weeks by township officials, residents and their superiors.
Two of the township’s Emergency Medical Technicians were noted for their quick and professional action recently.
“We could not be prouder of the Emergency Medical Technicians who serve in Manchester EMS,” Police Chief Lisa Parker said. She noted letters from residents that highlight how they go above and beyond to provide the highest level of care to township residents, “all while taking pride in our community.”
The chief added, “these professional EMTs truly have a heart of service and have consistently shown an exemplary level of pre-hospital care. I’m very proud of them.”
EMTs Richard Gabriel and John Filardo in particular were singled out for their efforts along with all of the township’s EMTs.
Mayor Ken Palmer noted during a recent council meeting how pleasant it was receiving an e-mail from a resident saying, “I just saw one of your young EMT crew driving rig 536, stop his ambulance in the parking lot of the Santander bank and do something great.”
The mayor continued to read the e-mail: “He noticed a few flags down on Route 71-70 by the building and touching the ground. In 90 degree heat he got out walked over to the flags, picked them up, brushed them off and put them back into the ground. I saw this as an act of love for this country and this town. I didn’t get this young man’s name but saw him as an exceptionally good young man to be working for this town.”
“Since we started this program, there has not been one negative comment about any of our EMTs. It is probably the best thing I’ve been a part of in the last five and a half years of being mayor of the town,” Mayor Palmer said.
Council President Sam Fusaro added during that meeting that, “the EMS is getting the work done. They are almost going to every call, at least 90-plus percent and their time from call to home is ridiculously short. I think it is like seven minutes. They are to be commended.”
Mayor Palmer got more precise saying the longest response call recorded was seven minutes and 40 seconds.
The new EMS service began in March. In late February, Chief Parker appointed Robert Baran as the township’s first director of the Division of Emergency Medical Services as the division falls within the Department of Public Safety.
Parker noted that Baran, who had been hired by the township in December of 2019, had been instrumental in assisting the police department’s staff with preparing the Division for full operation when it began on March 1. He also serves as a career firefighter and holds many certifications in technical rescue disciplines.
Equipment Needed
Earlier this summer, members of the township’s EMS service launched an effort to combat COVID-19 through a new program called Project PPE. The program involves Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like masks and surgical caps which have been in short supply across the country.
Such shortages have led many resourceful and innovative people to create homemade surgical masks and caps as a way of protecting themselves and their loved ones from the spread of coronavirus.
Healthcare partners in local hospitals have been able to use these homemade masks and caps as well. When disposable N95/KN95 Masks and Surgical Caps come in contact with airborne contaminants they can no longer be safely used. In a hospital setting this exposure happens at a rapid rate. Therefore, washable equipment has a longer usable life.
EMS members are seeking to partner with the community through “Project PPE” with those who would like to donate PPE (homemade and disposable) that can be distributed to area hospitals and the healthcare staff working inside them.
The EMS set up a no-contact PPE Donation Box has been set up outside Manchester EMS Headquarters at 29 S Colonial Drive for any and all donations. As a precaution, EMS members will launder all donations and then make sure those donations find their way to a healthcare worker on the front lines helping to combat COVID-19.
Those seeking to help can reach out to the Manchester EMS through private message or the “Contact Us” page at with any questions or to coordinate large donations.