LAKEHURST – A Toms River man was arrested for drunk driving, and his passenger with hindering apprehension.
Paul Langone, 63, of Toms River, was stopped by Lakehurst Police Officer Robert Schroeck and prosecutor’s office Det. Michael Proto 12:34 a.m. June 10 after Langone, driving a 2010 Ford F-150 failed to maintain his lane driving Route 37 east.
Langone failed a field sobriety test, and Schroeck arrested him for driving while intoxicated. He received summonses for driving while intoxicated, reckless driving and failure to maintain lane. He was processed and released pending a mandatory court date in Lakehurst Municipal Court.
The passenger, Mark A. Cremeans, 50, of Bayville, was seen throwing cigarette ash out his window. He provided a false name and date of birth, and had two active warrants for Toms River Municipal Court. He was arrested for hindering apprehension. He was issued a summons for littering from a motor vehicle. He was released to Toms River Police.