LAKEHURST – A Benefit for Logan, sponsored by the Lakehurst Fire Department, is on Saturday, July 22 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Lakehurst Ball Field, 2 Proving Ground Road. There will be food, prizes, music, games, tricky tray, bake sale, car wash and police & fire demos.
Who is Logan? Logan Work was a 17-year-old senior at Manchester High School, having fun with his friends and planning for the future. When he wasn’t in school he was working at the local Wawa on Route 37 and volunteering at Lakehurst Fire Station.
On February 20 of this year, Logan’s life as he knew it changed forever. He was diagnosed with Pre-B Cell ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia). His days went from enjoying his teenage years with a dream of becoming a police officer, to countless weekly visits to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Each week he is met with new adversities and uncertainties, and his days now consist of weekly spinal tap and port chemo treatments, bone marrow tests, and blood and platelet transfusions. The diagnosis has not only taken a toll on Logan, but also on his family. Countless emergency visits back and forth to Philly, sleepless nights, and home care for Logan has become the new norm. Medical bills and travel costs are adding stress to an already stressful diagnosis.
In Logan’s honor, this benefit is asking the community to come together to help make the Work family’s situation a little easier. Your donations will not only benefit Logan and his family, but they will also benefit your business through the promotional value at Logan’s Facebook page. If you have any questions regarding the Benefit for Logan, or how you can help, please contact Bonnie MacMillan at 908-783-7270. Donations may also be sent to 1960 Paterson Ave, Whiting, NJ 08759. Email at PrayersForLoganWork@gmail.com.