JACKSON – Join to support Madelyn “Maddie” Brunas, Race for Life in Memory of Chuck Washington, on February 16 at 11 a.m. at the Knights of Columbus Council 6201, 401 Bartley Road, Jackson.
Full Daytona 500 coverage on 11 screens, Gift Auction, food/beverages, cash bar, door prizes. Free t-shirt to the first 100 paying adults! Admission is $20 for adults, $15 for children 12 to 17, and kids under 12 are free.
For information contact Lou McGraw 732-804-8766 or email Louissm98@gmail.com.
“Maddie” is a vibrant, self-driven two-year-old with a fierce determination and an unbreakable spirit. Despite facing challenges that most could never imagine, she meets every day with courage, resilience, and a smile that lights up the room. She has a strong, independent nature and loves to do things her way, proving time and again just how capable she is.
She is obsessed with her not so much older brother Mikey who’s 3 and their dog Bruce. Maddie loves Moana, Toy Story, Shrek and Minnie Mouse. She loves animals and playing outside. Maddie loves swimming in her pool and going to the beach. Maddie also loves food! Snacks especially. Her nickname is “tippy toes” because she is always walking on her tippy toes.
Maddie has to endure so much at such a young age. She has had many rounds of chemo, multiple lumbar punctures, and immunotherapy treatment. In February we will be admitted to Jersey Shore and Maddie’s port will be accessed for 28 days and she will be attached to a bag of medicine that will pump through her 24/7.
If you want to meet a “warrior” it’s our Maddie. Leukemia is a long, intense battle. Cancer has already stolen so much from our family but we are determined to beat this.
We pray Maddie keeps responding to treatment and one day this will be something she won’t remember – and just a story we will tell.