JACKSON – Police have arrested a man after he failed to identify himself multiple times after he was trying to lift the bar of a gated community.
While in the area of South Cooks Bridge Road and Merion Lane, Police Officer Stephen Cilento came across a white van parked at the gate to the community and blocking the roadway from several other vehicles to enter.
The male passenger from the van tried to lift the gate of the Westlake Golf and Country Club community, which the gate is to keep unauthorized vehicles from entering, police said.
Officer Cilento approached the vehicle and asked them to move aside so residents can enter the community. After talking to the two men who occupied the vehicle, the two claimed that they were going to an address to pick up furniture.
When the officer attempted to identify the subjects, the passenger attempted to leave the scene and refused to identify himself. According to police, the driver was driving with a suspended driver’s license and could not show any rental agreement to the van they were driving.
The passenger was placed under arrest after not providing information when asked numerous times. It was later discovered that the passenger did not want to provide his information to the officer due to an outstanding warrant for his arrest out of Evesham Township.
The vehicle was then impounded and the driver issued a summons for driving with a suspended license.
The passenger Robert Reeves, 31, was charged with hindering apprehension on a complaint summons and was later released on his recognizance on the outstanding warrant. He was processed and released pending a court appearance.