JACKSON – Jackson Police are celebrating the miraculous recovery of a 15 year old girl who suffered a cardiac episode while roller skating at the Jackson Roller Skating Rink back in March.
On March 1, police responded to the roller rink for a report of a 15 year old girl who had fallen and went unconscious.
This girl was later identified as Victoria Pyott.
Jackson Officers Anthony Riso, Cassiopeia De La Torre and Randall Trasky and Sgt. Michael Grochowski made speedy work of responding to the call, as they were right around the corner from the rink. In less than a minute, the officers were on the scene and working to help revive Victoria.
During the fall, Victoria cracked her tooth and broke her nose before falling unconscious. Upon examination, police found no breathing sounds or pulse.
The officers performed CPR and were successful in regaining a faint pulse, which was quickly lost again. After a few shocks from the department’s defibrillator and some help from the Jackson First Aid Squad, Victoria was brought back from the brink.
Victoria was transported to the Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus and then again to the Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia.
According to Jackson Police, Victoria’s father informed that she suffers from a heart condition which requires her to have a pacemaker.
“Although the pace maker was not a factor in this incident, it did record that Victoria’s heart rate shot up to 280 bpm where a usual heart rate is around 80 bpm. Because of her heart rate shooting up so high, it led to her going into cardiac arrest before finally having a heart attack,” stated police.
Victoria’s family was grateful and pleased with the way that the first responders handled the incident, stating they did everything “perfectly” to make sure that Victoria remained alive.
“Victoria has now been outfitted with an upgraded pacemaker which also has a Defib should an event like this ever occur again,” police said. “We are proud to say Victoria is back to leading a full life, and while still under care, should still have a great summer which is what any 15 year old should be looking forward to. Additionally we were advised that since the incident, Victoria has already been back at the Jackson Roller Skating Rink as she is showing no fear! Way to go Victoria!!!”
The entire incident was detailed in a social media post to the department’s Facebook page. While police noted they do not broadcast incidents like this one, they noted that this was a unique case and that Victoria’s family was happy to share her story.
Police thanked the Pyott family for allowing them the opportunity to share, the first responders who saved Victoria’s life, and the township for supplying the department with the equipment necessary to do so.