JACKSON – On Monday, July 1, the members of the Jackson Police Department bid farewell to Telecommunications Officer Margaret “Peggy” Bollentin #919 wishing her congratulations on her retirement from the police department after serving the township and its residents for over 26 years.
TCO Bollentin was hired by the police department as a dispatcher in March 1993. She was always known for her calming voice and nurturing demeanor. Bollentin was very well respected by her peers and supervisors for her professional behavior even during the most stressful calls for service.
During her tenue with the Jackson Twp. Police Department, Bollentin received a Letter of Commendation, a Command Citation Letter as well as being named the Telecommunications Officer of the Year in 2014.
As sad as we all are because “Peggy” is leaving us, the members of the police department wish her the best in moving on to the next phase of her life and hope she enjoys retirement.