JACKSON – Council members voted unanimously to approve an ordinance concerning an initial registration fee and a renewal fee for vacant properties in the township.
During a June 23 meeting, the first to bring together Council President Alexander Sauickie, Vice President Andrew Kern, Councilman Ken Bressi, Councilman Marting Flemming and recently appointed Councilman Stephen Chisholm before a live audience in Town Hall, the council adopted the ordinance.
This ordinance establishes an initial registration fee of $500 for a vacant property and a $1,000 renewal fee for a vacant property. The original fee was $250.
The idea behind the ordinance is to improve the look of neighborhoods that have vacant properties in them and to tighten up the restrictions with a higher fee to prevent residences from having a rundown appearance.
Money collected from the fees will be used by the governing body to maintain the upkeep of properties should property owners refuse to take proper action themselves. And to avoid having to use taxpayer money for such improvements.
Also approved for introduction was an ordinance creating a park sponsorship and commemorative bench program for the township’s parks and recreation facilities.
Councilman Ken Bressi abstained on the measure. The rest of the council voted for it.
Approved resolutions included the adoption of housing rehabilitation guidelines for the township’s rehabilitation program for local affordable housing purposes.
Also approved was a resolution authorizing an amendment to the township’s agreement with Rehabco, Inc. as Jackson’s administrator of its housing rehabilitation program and authorizing the utilization of $60,000 from the township’s affordable housing trust fund to allow for an additional 20 rehabilitation units at $3,000 per unit.