New Year, Few Changes To Leadership In Jackson

Councilman Mordechai Burnstein receives the oath of office for a full term on council, surrounded by family members and administered by former assemblyman and GOP gubernatorial contender Jack Ciattarelli during the Jackson Township 2025 reorganization meeting. (Photo by Bob Vosseller)

  JACKSON – The 181st Annual Reorganization Meeting featured the swearing in of three GOP councilmen: incumbents Nino Borrelli and Mordechai Burnstein plus newly elected Giuseppe Palmeri.

  The three elected officials were administered their oath of office early on during the meeting. This session marked the township’s 19th reorganization meeting under their current mayor/council form of government.

  This marked the last Township Council meeting for Township Clerk Mary Moss who will be serving as township clerk of Red Bank, a community in Monmouth County. Moss served as Jackson’s township clerk for two years and her departure was not discussed during the reorganization meeting.

  Nominations were taken for council president and council vice president. Jennifer Kuhn will remain as council president while Burnstein became this year’s vice council president replacing Councilman Scott Sargent.

  The reorganization featured a few special guests including 12th District Senator Owen Henry, Assemblyman Alex Sauickie, Assemblyman Robert Clifton, Ocean County Commissioners Virginia Haines and Frank Sadeghi as well as former 16th District Assemblyman and GOP gubernatorial contender Jack Ciattarelli.

Council President Jennifer Kuhn tales the oath of office for another year as council president administered by Ocean County Commissioner Frank Sadeghi as Township Clerk Mary Moss holds the Bible. (Photo by Bob Vosseller)

  Ciattarelli installed Burnstein as councilman and later as vice council president while Sadeghi swore in Kuhn as council president. Sauickie administered the oath of office to Borrelli who was reelected for his second term.

  The all-Republican Council gave their reports afterwards expressing hope for a positive and productive new year.

  “I sat up here with Alex (Sauickie) for my first year and a half on the township council. We co-sponsored an ordinance together and was one of the first people I met when I got involved with Jackson politics,” Borrelli remarked. “Thank you, Jackson Township, for a second term in office. I will do my best to give back to the town I call home.”

  Palmeri expressed his “deepest gratitude to the residents of Jackson Township for placing your trust in me and my fellow council members. Your support has been the foundation of this journey and I am truly honored to serve this community. I am filled with optimism for Jackson’s future.”

Giuseppe Palmeri, center, who served as President of the Jackson Board of Education last year takes the oath of office for his first term on the Township Council from 12th District Assemblyman Alex Sauickie. Palmeri’s daughter is holding the Bible for her father. (Photo by Bob Vosseller)

  “A special thank you to my wonderful children and my wife for being at my side day in and day out, my schedule can be quite crazy but they always handle it with a smile,” Burnstein said during his council report. He also thanked his running mates and Mayor Michael Reina who was absent from this year’s reorganization meeting. “I am looking forward to us working together. I am looking forward to great things not only in 2025 but God willing, into 2026.”

  Sargent waived his comments after extending congratulations to those members sworn in.

  Kuhn thanked the professional staff that were present as well as the newly elected members of council. She also acknowledged the members of state and county offices and the police department who attended the meeting.

  “I look forward to working with our new vice council president to build on the success we have already achieved and what Jackson can achieve more, this year,” Kuhn added.

  Resolutions that were approved that evening included authorization of a temporary operating budget, the appointment of Leigh Schenck as tax collector and tax search officer and the appointment of members to the Township Rova Farms Advisory Board.

  Township Council committee assignments which have proven to be a bit combative in recent years were not a subject of debate this year.

  This year the administrative committee will be chaired by Council President Kuhn, and Vice Chaired by Burnstein. The Board of Education Committee will be headed by Sargent and while Palmeri will serve as vice chair. Both men have previously been members of the township’s Board of Education and as presidents of that board. They will also serve in the same role on the township’s Business and Finance Committee.

Councilman Nino Borrelli (center) takes the oath of office while his wife holds the Bible. The oath was administered by former Jackson Councilman and current 12th District Assemblyman Alex Sauickie. (Photo by Bob Vosseller)

  Burnstein will head the Council on Affordable Housing (COAH) with Kuhn as vice chair. The Economic Development and Advisory Committee will be led by Palmeri as chair and Kuhn as vice chair. The Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee will be run by Burnstein and Kuhn will be the vice chair. The Going Green Commission will be chaired by Borrelli and vice chaired by Sargent.

  Law and Public Safety will be chaired by Kuhn and will include Burnstein as vice chair. The Mobile Home Park Advisory Committee be led by Borrelli as chair and vice chair Palmeri while the Municipal Court Committee will be chaired by Kuhn and vice chair Burnstein.

  Open Space Preservation will be headed by Borrelli and the vice chair will be Kuhn. Private Residential Communities Advisory will be presided by Mayor Reina, will feature Borrelli as chair and Palmeri as vice chairman. The Public Works, Buildings and Grounds and Vehicle Services Committee will be chaired by Sargent and vice chaired by Kuhn.

  Borrelli will chair the Recreation, Parks and Senior Services Committee as well as the Rova Farms Advisory Board while Kuhn will serve as vice chair of those committees. The Shade Tree Commission will be chaired by Sargent and vice chaired by Burnstein. The Veterans Services Committee will be chaired by Sargent and vice chaired by Borrelli.

  These appointments will run until December 31, 2025 unless modified.