JACKSON – Township officials and members of the public are looking forward to the return of two spring events.
Councilman Nino Borrelli noted during a recent Council meeting that the May 30 Memorial Day Parade being planned in the township would start at 10 a.m. “Come out to honor our veterans and heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our great country.”
“The parade will start at the Holman Elementary School proceed down to Manhattan Street to Johnson Park where there will be a ceremony, food vendors, giveaways and activities for children,” he said.
“A big thank you to the Jackson PBA and the Jackson VFW for organizing this event that we will hopefully get nice weather for,” Councilman Borrelli added.
Councilman Steven Chishom reminded residents, “if you want to march in the parade there are still openings. If you want to join any of our volunteers for public service organizations if not just come out and support those and bring out your kids so they understand what Memorial Day is really all about. It is not just another day off from school.”
Chisholm said, “another great day is coming up on June 26 our food trucks and fireworks event which will be our second year. It is a great day to come on out. Hopefully you will come and enjoy some fun with your neighbors.” This event will also be held in Johnson Park.