JACKSON – The municipality’s first female police captain was sworn in during a recent Township Council meeting that also noted the promotions of two other police officers.
Police Chief Matthew Kunz introduced three officers to the public and council who were being promoted to new ranks. He read some biographic information on each of the officers.
Lt. Mary Nelson, who was promoted to the rank of Captain, started her law enforcement career with the Ocean Township (Waretown) Police Department in 2001. She served as a dispatcher for a year and a half prior to attending the Burlington County Police Academy in early 2003. She was hired by the Jackson Police Department in August of 2004.

Nelson served as a patrol officer and also field training officer before being promoted to sergeant in 2011. She was assigned to supervise a patrol squad. She was promoted to lieutenant in 2018 and assigned to supervise a patrol platoon.
She earned a master’s degree in administrative science through Fairleigh Dickinson University and has attended the Certified Public Manager’s course through Rutgers University. Additionally, she has also earned numerous other certifications throughout her career.
Chief Kunz said Capt. Nelson is an instructor for the agency and at the Ocean County Police Academy. She also serves as the administrative coordinator for the Police Explorer Program and assists in the coordination of the Police and Fire Christmas Toy Drive.
The chief also spoke about Sgt. Wayne Olejarz who was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. He was hired as a police officer with the agency in 1997 and served as a patrol officer. He was promoted to sergeant in 2011 and was assigned to supervise patrol squads on the midnight and afternoon shifts.
Lt. Olejarz has served on the department’s Special Response Team and the Ocean County Regional SWAT Team. He has also served as an assistant policy writer, firearms instructor, physical fitness instructor, defensive tactics instructor and has supervised the field training officer program and bike patrol.

Sgt. Richard Bosley was unable to attend the swearing in at the council meeting but was represented by his son Jonathan and daughter Rebecca. He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. He began his law enforcement career with the Jackson Police Department as a Class I Special Law Enforcement Officer in May of 1995.
In May 1998 Bosley graduated from the SLEO II Class at the Monmouth County Police Academy and began working as a Class II Special Law Enforcement Officer. He was hired as a full-time police officer in December of 1999 and graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy.

Bosley served as a patrol officer until being promoted to sergeant in May of 2015 when he was assigned to supervise a patrol squad. He supervised the agency’s Quad Patrol Unit. He was also a traffic investigator where he was assigned to investigate fatal and serious motor vehicle crashes in the township and also in Ocean County as a member of the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office Fatal Accident Support Team. Lt. Bosley was most recently assigned as the sergeant supervising the agency’s Traffic Safety Unit.
“We wish the officers the best in their new assignments,” Chief Kunz remarked. Each member of council and Mayor Michael Reina also congratulated the three officers on their promotions.