Courtesy of Jackson Township’s Facebook Page
JACKSON – Currently there are a few road closures and detours around town as a result of Township, County and Municipal Utilities Authority projects. Residents that do not reside in the immediate area of these projects may not know about these detours and/or closures until they come upon them, which could affect their timing and travel plans. Please make a note of the following current and upcoming projects when making your travel arrangements.
Wright DeBow Road is in progress. The road is closed 7 am to 5 pm weekdays and is expected be completed in August
Bethel Church Road is in progress. The road is closed 7 am to 5 pm weekdays and is expected to continue until July 31st.
N. Cooksbridge Road Bridge Replacement – The road is expected to be closed until Spring ’18.
Whitesville Road Culvert – This project is pending possible start at the end of July, beginning of August.
Thompson Bridge Road Bridge replacement – This project is still in the pre-construction phase with no anticipated start date at this time. Updates will be posted as they are received.
County Road paving- The County will have a contractor paving portions of CR 571 (Toms River Road). This is still in the bid process with no anticipated start date at this time. Updates will be posted as they are received.
Water Main trench repaving Leesville and W. Pleasant Grove Roads – This project is planned for night work to start on or about Aug 1st.
We apologize for any inconvenience. Please remember- the disruption is temporary but the improvement is permanent. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The Municipal Engineer’s Office may be contacted at 732-928-1200 ext 1229, should you have any questions regarding these projects.