JACKSON – Jackson Police welcomed a new face to the force recently. On July 8, officials swore in Patrol Officer Curtis Nagel.
According to the department, Officer Nagel is coming to Jackson Police Department from the Ocean County Sheriff’s Department as an intergovernmental transfer (IGT).
Raised in Arizona and Ohio, Nagel joined the United States Marine Corps just out of high school where he served both active duty and as a reserve from 2007 to 2017. In that time, he served two deployments and achieved the rank of Staff Sergeant.
In 2014, he became a member of the Ocean County Sheriff’s Department. In 2015, he graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy.
While working with the OCSD, Officer Nagel completed training as a firearms instructor, basic patrol rifle operator, field sobriety training, SWAT operator certified and also served on the County’s sniper team. He has multiple ribbons and commendations between his service with the Marines and the Sheriff’s Department.
Now a member of the Jackson Police Department, Officer Nagel will be entering the department’s field training program where he will be assigned to a Field Training Officer. After successful completion of the program, he will be assigned to a patrol squad.
The addition of Officer Nagel to the force puts the department at 94 police officers to serve the 100 square mile township and its approximate 60,000 residents.
“We would like to thank the township administration for their continued support of the agency and in the hiring to not only serve the township currently but to plan for the continued growth the town is experiencing,” stated Jackson Police.
If you wish to meet Jackson’s newest officer, Officer Nagel will also be introduced at the Town Council meeting at the end of the month.