JACKSON – The Board of Education is inviting residents to apply for appointment to a board seat that is available following the resignation of Board Member Vicki Grasso during an Aug. 21 board meeting.
Grasso said she was honored to have served the students of Jackson and proud of the work the board has done. During that board meeting she called her decision to resign “bittersweet,’’ but necessary.
“With three kids that have changing schedules for activities, on top of a full-time job I just realized I can’t give 110 percent, which is what students and residents of Jackson deserve,’’ Grasso said. “It has been my pleasure to serve on this board and I know that the Jackson legacy of commitment and excellence will continue to thrive.’’
Board President John Burnetsky said Grasso was a devoted board member who always put kids first. He added that she “was a dynamic influence on this board and her passion and input will certainly be missed.”
In accordance with state law, the board is now looking to appoint someone to fill the position until the board’s reorganization meeting in January 2021. That person, or any candidate, could then file a petition to run in the November 2020 election to fill the remaining year of the unexpired term.
District Business Administrator and Board Secretary Michelle Richardson said the person appointed will take the oath of office and become a full member of the Board on Sept. 18 and will continue to serve in that position until the reorganization meeting in early January 2021.
In order to be considered for this appointment, any interested party must submit a resume and cover letter that outlines the reasons for wanting to be on the Board and the qualifications for being selected.
These materials can be mailed to the attention of Michelle Richardson, Board Secretary at the Jackson Township Board of Education office at 151 Don Connor Blvd., Jackson, NJ 08527 or emailed to jsd@jacksonsd.org. Applicants are asked to include “Board Vacancy” in the subject line.
The deadline for receiving materials is Sept.11, 2019.
During the Sept. 18, closed session part of the business meeting, all applicants will be invited to make a brief (five minutes maximum) statement that elaborates on their resume and cover letter: reason for wanting to serve, qualifications, expectations for service, areas of priority.
The Board will ask any follow-up questions and when the board returns to public session at 5:30 p.m., board members will vote to appoint someone to fill the vacancy.
Qualifications for a board member, established by state law, include being a United States citizen, a resident of the district for at least one year at the time of election or appointment; being able to read and write, being a registered voter in the district where the person is submitting the nomination petition (or being appointed); not being disqualified as a voter pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:4-1; and not having been convicted of any of the crimes or offenses enumerated in N.J.S.A. 18A;12-1 or conspiracy to commit or attempt to commit any of said crimes.
Other qualifications include not being the mayor or a member of the governing body of the municipality; or not having any direct or indirect contract with or claim against the board.
Additional information can be obtained from the New Jersey School Boards Association at https://www.njsba.org/about/membership/school-board-candidacy