JACKSON – It’s that time again! Jackson PBA 168 will be holding their 22nd Annual Golf Outing on May 23 and September 19 at the Pine Barrens Country Club, 540 Hope Chapel Road.
Because of high demand and overflow of players, there are now two dates to pick from! They can now accommodate more golfers that can’t make the event because either its fully packed or the date doesn’t work for them.
Each outing has a strict limit of 144 golfers. If you would like to be a sponsor, deadline to apply is May 7.
For information and contact either: P.O. Jeff Henba jhenba@jacksontwpnj.net, P.O. Rob Reiff – rareiff@jacksontwpnj.net, or call 908-510-0399. All checks made payable to: Jackson PBA #168.