JACKSON – For months, the township has been involved with revising its Master Plan which is the foundational framework and guiding principles that set the rules for development in a municipality.
By state law, a review of the municipal master plan is required and it generally takes place every 10 years. In order to ensure complete transparency, the Township’s Master Plan Sub-Committee is hosting a public introduction for residents who want to learn more about what is taking place.
The committee would also like to provide the general public with a forum to offer feedback and suggestions regarding this Master Plan Review and will host a public meeting from 5 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. on May 6 to help familiarize the public with the Master Plan process and allow an open forum for constructive ideas.
Sub-Committee Chairwoman Michele Campbell said, “we look forward to everyone in the community giving their feedback and helping us build the roadmap of Jackson’s future planning and zoning. This is a great opportunity to be involved in the process.”
She added, “this first session will be to discuss the process before us and the goals and objectives of the masterplan. Additional meetings will occur to discuss subjects as we get to them.”
All residents and interested parties are welcome to be part of the audience as the sub-committee opens a Master Plan introduction and PowerPoint presentation.
Members of the public will have approximately 60 minutes to make any suggestions relevant to this process and will be encouraged to post suggestions on the Township website regarding the same.
Councilman Mordechai Burnstein said, “Community feedback and input are key parts of developing the master plan, and anyone who is interested in the process is invited to attend each of the public hearings we will be hosting. Transparency in this process is very important.”
The meeting will end at 6:15 p.m. and the room and dais will be turned over to the Planning Board for their regular 6:30 p.m. meeting.
The process will be repeated for each Master Plan element that is to be considered for amendment and the next scheduled Master Plan public forum is May 20, immediately prior to the regular Planning Board meeting.