JACKSON – She may work for a different law firm but the township’s attorney will be staying on the job.
In recent weeks township attorney Jean Cipriani advised the governing body that she had resigned from Jackson’s appointed law firm of Gilmore & Monahan, Toms River.
One of the principals of that firm, George Gilmore, was recently convicted of three charges relating to tax evasion connected to his firm. The firm does a lot of business with municipalities. He is also the former head of the county Republicans.
For about a dozen years, Cipriani has advised the governing body concerning various legal issues ranging from proclamations to development related litigation and in the last several years, legal challenges by Agudath Israel of America. Within the last few weeks Cipriani advised the governing body concerning a group of residents suing the township over the Adventure Crossings sports complex project.
At first it was uncertain whether she would be retained or replaced by another member of Gilmore & Monahan.
During a June 25 council meeting she was approved to continue on in her position under the name of the new firm she is associated with: Rothstein, Mandell, Strohm & Halm, P.A. for the period of July 1, 2019 through Dec. 31, 2019.
Council President Robert Nixon, Vice Council President Barry Calogero and Councilmen Ken Bressi and Andrew Kern each approved resolutions that retained Cipriani for her appointment as township attorney as well as the township’s affordable housing attorney for the same period. Councilman Alex Sauickie was absent from the meeting.
Cipriani has publicly stated that while her decision to leave the law firm she had long been associated with was a difficult one, it was a move she had to make. “I am grateful for my time there (her former law firm) but an opportunity came up and I felt it was my time to move forward.”
“It is my honor to vote for this,” Bressi said of the resolution.
Calogero said it “is my pleasure to vote yes on this resolution.”
Kern provided a strong yes vote.
“Absolutely,” Nixon added.
“I am very grateful to the council for this,” Cipriani said after the meeting.
Cipriani said she will also remain as borough attorney of Seaside Heights which she has represented for the last 23 years.
She acknowledged that the township has faced some interesting challenges but said “it is a well-run town and I have grown very attached to it. I am very grateful and it is an honor that they are sticking with me.”
In other business the council introduced an ordinance which authorized the acceptance of a land donation on property in the rear of Frank Applegate Road.
Kern also commended those First Aid Squad members in the township as the council approved the certified lists for the length of service award program.
“They are a fantastic group of people,” Kern said.
“I’d like to thank everyone in the First Aid Squad for their service,” Nixon added.
Kern also noted the township’s planned July 6 fireworks program and Independence Day celebration.