JACKSON – Members of the Jackson Elks #2744 recently held a special summer activity in the form of its annual “Get Out and Play” event at the Alpha School on County Line Road.
The event included food for special needs students prepared by several lodge members. The fun also included some karaoke and several games.
“Generally we show them a special time,” said Joe LaMonica, Loyal Knight Jackson Elks #2744.
“The students of Alpha School all have special needs to one degree or another, so as Elks we try our best to support them and help when we can and we also receive great satisfaction in doing this each year,” LaMonica said.
LaMonica added that “we’ve been serving lunch for the Alpha School for about seven years now. We had a contingent of nine Elks that came out to make this a successful day for the kids.”
Members Frank Scotto and Mike Baldwin worked the grill cooking up hamburgers and hot dogs while Exalted Ruler Tom Szeszko and members Toni Pugliesi, Linda Gardinella, and Melissa Macwhorter served the food.
Joanne Baldwin and Joe LaMonica coordinated the playing of several games with the youngsters during the afternoon.
“Our very own DJ, Lori Struble, got everyone up and dancing. Altogether, we fed about 70 students and 30 staff of the school,” LaMonica said.

LaMonica said that during the month of February his lodge hosts a lunch and dance/karaoke event where the Alpha School students come to the Elks Lodge.
The Elks Lodge is busy preparing for its next event, a Pig Roast to raise money for special needs children, which will be held on Saturday, September 16. The lodge is located at 1059 East Veterans Highway. For information about the Pig Roast event or other Jackson Elks Lodge activities, visit elks.org/lodges/contactus.cfm?LodgeNumber=2744, call the lodge at 732-363-4101 or email JacksonElks2744@gmail.com.