JACKSON – A special day for the whole township – plus visitors – is nearly here. Jackson Day returns on October 2.
“There are more activities planned this year for Jackson Day for everybody of all ages. Everybody involved with this event does a wonderful job! I’m just honored to be a part of it,” Jackson Councilman Nino Borrelli said.
He and Councilman Steven Chisholm are on the planning committee of the event that involves the Recreation Department and the action can be found at Johnson Park, 200 Kierych Memorial Drive.
The day begins with the 3rd Annual Eagle First Responders 5 Kilometer Run/Walk which kicks off at 7:30 a.m. For details and how to register or be a sponsor, e-mail jacksoneagle5k@yahoo.com.
That event started two years ago when Gavin Kohute decided to make it his Eagle Scout project. His 5K Run/Walk was created to benefit first responders, and it is now becoming a township tradition.
Last year more than 80 participants came to Johnson Park for the opportunity to gather together for a healthy, family-oriented activity that also builds community spirit.
Proceeds from the event last year benefited several organizations including Scout Troops 204 and 402, the Jackson Mills Volunteer Fire Company Station 54 and Jackson Police Benevolent Association 168.
The flat course started in the park and moved through local streets before coming back to the park.
This year the event became connected to Jackson Day which will kick off with a parade at 1:30 p.m. Jackson Patrolman Michael Basso told The Jackson Times that the “lineup is at 12:30 p.m. at Holman School. The parade steps off at 1:30 p.m. and proceeds down Manhattan Street into Johnson Park which is where opening ceremonies of Jackson Day will commence at 2 p.m.”
Basso added, “the grand marshal of the parade is a young man named Jake who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy as a baby. His foundation details can be found here: jakesgotthis.org.”
“The parade will consist of veterans, first responders, music groups, sports teams, local businesses and community organizations,” he added. Anyone interested in participating can reach him at mbasso@jacksontwpnj.net
At 2 p.m. the fun begins with children’s rides, game track, pony rides, a petting zoo, touch a truck and much more. A $5 wristband will provide entry for all children’s attractions in the park.
For adults there will be vendors, a beer garden and a car show. Various Jackson based organizations will also showcase their groups with information about what they do. Members of the township police department, first aid squad and fire companies will also be on hand. There will be a fire prevention demonstration at 4 p.m.
DJ music will be playing during the day and you can also take part in baseball and cornhole tournaments. To register for the baseball event e-mail hustleacademy20@gmail.com. To register for the cornhole tournament e-mail portersscholars@gmail.com.
The band Nine DEEZ Nite will perform at 4:50 p.m. Their second show will be at 6:40 p.m. The Shaykz band will perform at 3 p.m.
The day will conclude with fireworks at dusk. For additional information or if you have questions, call 732-928-1260 or visit jacksontwpnj.net
After a year’s absence due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Jackson Day returned in 2021.