JACKSON – Jackson Day, scheduled for Oct. 27, is cancelled.
Ahead of a nor’easter being predicted to bring heavy winds and rains to the area Friday night through Sunday morning, the Jackson Day Committee “has decided that it would be in the public’s best interest to cancel this year’s…event,” officials said.
The Committee has instead decided to host a Mayor’s Safe Trick or Treat 1-4 p.m. Oct. 31 at the municipal building, 95 West Veterans Highway. The event is sponsored by New Jersey Clean Communities.
Children are invited to arrive in their Halloween costumes and trick-or-treat in each municipal department. Jackson Township Recycling will be handing out bags for the kids to collect their treats. They should bring their own smocks for pumpkin painting outside.
Guests should bring their cameras to get photos with the Oscar “The Clean Communities’” Grouch.
Hot chocolate will be served.