JACKSON – The 9th Annual Ride for Alzheimer’s is on June 25, starting at the Knights of Columbus, 401 Bartley Road. Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. and the ride starts at 11 a.m.
The ride is a 50-mile scenic cruise through Southern Monmouth and Ocean Counties. There will be food, beer, music, vendors and trophies at the Knights of Columbus.
Cost is $20 per rider and $15 per passenger. All proceeds will support and assist the homebound elderly living with Alzheimer’s or other forms of Dementia and their caregivers.
For more information, call Jim Stoever at 732-920-7633 or email jestoever@yahoo.com. On the day of the ride, call 732-267-2938.
For more information, visit facebook.com/njrideforalzheimers.