HOWELL – Have you had your COVID-19 vaccine? Do you need a second dose? Has your doctor recommended a 3rd dose (for the moderately-severely immunocompromised)? Ready for your booster dose?
The Howell Senior Center, located at 251 Preventorium Road, will be hosting a Vaccine Booster Clinic on February 23 and March 23 from 4 to 7 p.m.
Make sure to bring your original vaccine card, wear your mask, and fill out the health department form. Transportation may be available. You must call the Howell Senior Center at 732-938-4500 ext. 2550 to inquire if transportation will be available.
Clinic is for ages 5 years old and up. No appointment is necessary. There is no charge for the vaccine or administration. Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccines will be available.
Sponsored by: Howell Township Senior Center and Monmouth County Health Department.