FARMINGDALE – Congratulations to the 43 Girls Scouts from Ocean and Monmouth Counties that were honored with the Girls Scout Silver Award on Nov. 30. The Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore presented these special scouts with this prestigious award at their Program Activity Center in Farmingdale.
The Silver Award is the highest honor that can be given to a Girl Scout Cadette in 6th through 8th grade. To receive this award, these girls must complete an extensive service project that will have a strong impact on the community. This 40+ hour project helps Girls Scouts to hone their skills, explore possible career options, and encourages self-improvement.
“I am so impressed with all the projects the Silver Award Girl Scouts have completed and earned,” said Eileen M. Higgins, CEO, Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore. “Our Girl Scouts made a difference for the Jersey Shore through projects as diverse as A Guide For Learning Origami and Girl Power Activated: Career Component to Paws For A Cause.”
For more information about Girls Scout programs and awards contact Erick Rommel, chief communications officer of the Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore, at erommel@jerseyshoregirlscouts.org or at 800-785-2090.