HOWELL – During a recent Township Council meeting, Councilman Robert Walsh read a proclamation recognizing April as Autism Awareness Month. Walsh also contributed a few heartfelt words about his son, who is autistic.
“Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder affecting the social learning and behavioral skills,” read Walsh. “As more and more health professionals get proficient in diagnosing autism, more children are being ranked on the autism spectrum…as high as 1 in 68 children.”
He remarked that autism is also the fastest growing mental health disability with no cure as of yet. The proclamation noted that with help early on, those diagnosed with autism can make significant strides.
Walsh also took a moment during reports to talk about his own son, who is autistic and lives in a group home in South Jersey. He gave a very emotional thank you to the township.
“They really are making significant strides…compared to when my son started here 20 years ago,” he said. “I’ll forever be indebted to Howell for all that the community has done for my son and for many other young guys and girls like him.”
He said that despite already having come a long way in helping those with diagnoses like autism, he thinks we still need to go further.
The council also read proclamations recognizing Arbor Day and Paint the Town Pink in May for breast cancer awareness.