HOWELL – Howell Police are putting wheels in motion to “Arrest Cancer” at the 6th Annual Madison Beggs Kicks 4 Kids Soccer Tournament on Sept. 9 at Soldier Memorial Field.
The department will be collecting a $20 online donation for the Frances Foundation For Kids Fighting Cancer, which will allow individuals at the tournament to write a message on its “cancer car,” an actual police vehicle painted different colors to symbolize different types of cancer. Once the car is covered with messages, it will be clear coated so that the messages will remain forever.
Madison Beggs was a 12-year-old Howell resident who lost her nearly two-year battle with brain cancer in June 2012. The soccer tournament is held every year to remember her strength and positive attitude as she fought the disease, as well as her motto – “One Day at a Time.”

A SignUp.com page seeking volunteers for the event states, “Our goal through the Soccer Marathon is to make a positive impact on as many lives as we can. If we can positively affect just ONE life then we will have made the world a better place.”
The soccer fundraiser benefits both the Frances Foundation For Kids Fighting Cancer and Pediatric Cancer Research at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
To sign up as a volunteer for the soccer tournament, visit facebook.com/MadisonBeggsKicks4Kids.
To make an online donation to the Frances Foundation For Kids Fighting Cancer and sign the Howell Police Department’s cancer car, visit crowdrise.com/donate/project/arresting-cancer-2017/michaelpavlick.