HOWELL – Help Howell’s homeless population on March 7 by joining in the REACH fundraiser!
This first annual fundraiser was coordinated by Michael Moyer, head coordinator with the Howell Homeless Community and REACH Organization. While preparing a Christmas dinner for the homeless community on Dec. 25, 2018, Moyer had a thought: “where can we find some homeless people to bring food to?” Thus, the REACH fundraiser was born.
Moyer told Jersey Shore Online that, after reaching out to Facebook for information on other local homeless communities, the organization had results “within minutes.”
“My family always wanted to try to help the less fortunate people,” said Moyer.
Moyer and his family brought a Christmas feast consisting of trays of food, appetizers, cookies, and more to these other local homeless communities, hoping to make their holiday a little brighter.
“When we arrived and saw how the people were living…we then realized it was time to make a change in our community,” he said.
The REACH fundraiser is Moyer’s effort to get the community to open up their hearts and donate, whether it is food, clothing, or blankets. Working alongside other leaders in the homeless community Minister Steve Brigham and Cindy Lanouette, Moyer hopes to make their lives a little better.
While the homeless community is residing at the homeless encampment on Route 9 in Howell, they will not be able to stay there for long. Moyer noted that the property will soon be used for a new Costco wholesale store and the homeless community will need to find shelter elsewhere.
The first annual fundraiser will be held from 6-10 p.m. at the Southard Fire Department, 4611 Route 9 in Howell. There will be dinner, DJ, raffles, and more.
Tickets are $25 in advance, or $30 at the door. Ticket price includes food, DJ, raffles, and more!