HOWELL – The Bear Creek Herbary, located at 494 Lakewood Farmingdale Road, will host a Grassroots Festival on June 3 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. to celebrate the work of many local artists, vegan and organic restaurants, juice shops and gluten free bakery products for everyone in the community to sample. Bring a yoga mat and enjoy yoga in the field.
For a complete list of local businesses participating in the festival, visit bearcreekherbary.com.
The Herbary is a 15-acre property located five miles west of Belmar beaches that has been lovingly restored by local award-winning landscape architect Ron Springer. He purchased the dilapidated chicken farm in 2001 and has created a tranquil farm setting that is enjoyed by customers considered to be “friends of the farm” by his family and the Bear Creek crew.
The vision at Bear Creek Herbary is to embrace the local, health conscience mindset and provide likeminded folks involved in the “back to the farm” movement with a go-to place.
Upcoming events at the Herbary including a dinner in the greenhouse where all proceeds will go to a local charity.