HOWELL – Local firefighters are going the extra mile to save every member of a family during a fire, including your pets. The Ramtown-Howell Fire Company recently received specially designed oxygen masks for pets to help animals who might be at risk for smoke inhalation during a home fire.
Canine Company, an at-home pet services provider, donated three sets of the special masks to the Ramtown-Howell Fire Company. Each set contains three sizes of masks to fit pets of all sizes and breeds.
Word spread from neighboring fire companies about the special oxygen masks for pets, and when Chief William Gotto found out, he put in a request for Ramtown-Howell to get some.
In many households, pets are considered members of the family. However, it is not easy for an animal to escape a home fire without help. While fire companies service local residents, Ramtown-Howell Fire Company wants to make sure the animals are safe as well.
According to Canine Company, approximately 40,000 pets die from smoke inhalation throughout the US each year. In order to reduce this number, the specially designed masks are made to fit an animal’s snout, something human oxygen masks can’t do.
Ensuring that they have the proper equipment to save an animal is only the first half of the battle. The second part is up to the residents. In order for rescuers to know there are pets in your home in the event of an emergency, a special decal is needed.
Township residents can get a “Pets Inside” decal, also courtesy of Canine Company, for free at the Ramtown-Howell Fire Company or online through the Request a Decal form on Canine Company’s website caninecompany.com.
In addition to Ramtown-Howell, Adelphia Fire Department, Jackson Township EMS, and Oceanport EMS received these masks, among other departments.