HOWELL – At a recent Zoning Board meeting, members heard L&L Paving’s proposal to build an asphalt manufacturing facility at 89 Yellowbrook Road, where a concrete manufacturing facility currently sits.
L&L Paving noted in their site plans that they intend to remove a portion of the concrete manufacturing facility and replace it with their asphalt facility. The proposal hopes to make various changes to the area including improvements to a storage facility, landscaping, and the implementation of a control building, weigh station, and office.
According to Lance Redaelli, owner of L&L Paving, the company purchased the property on Yellowbrook Road back in 2016.
Redaelli called the proposal the “chance of a lifetime,” because there is a need for their supply with only one other supplier in Monmouth County.
“There is one supplier of this material in Monmouth County and he no longer sells to us because we put this application in a year ago,” he explained.
The Yellowbrook Road property is a cleared 35 acres, according to Redaelli, which makes it ideal for their site with so much space and so few trees. He noted they would not be cutting trees down, but actually be installing grass on 11 acres of the property that is currently pavement.
L&L Paving also plans to put a two-way driveway on Yellowbrook Road, near Cranberry Road, that truck drivers will use to both enter and exit the facility.
Redaelli stated that L&L Paving’s facility that would operate from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.
The L&L Paving proposal was not completed during the July 9 meeting. The Zoning Board will continue to hear the proposal at the August 27 meeting.