HOWELL – The Township recently announced that all parks are to immediately close due to a recent rise in COVID-19 cases.
The Office of Emergency Management put out a statement informing residents that they were receiving multiple complaints about the parks being filled to capacity and visitors not social distancing and also not wearing masks.
These remarks along with an increase in positive COVID-19 cases lead the Township to temporarily close parks until further notice.
After the closure order was quickly issued, many residents spoke out about it affecting organized sports that use the fields at parks. Howell Councilman John Bonevich also spoke out about the park’s closing.
“The Township Manager closed our parks for the safety and welfare of our residents,” Bonevich said. “As I posted I was not happy with the broad brush approach and we needed to have an exception for our organized sports that are abiding by the Department of Health’s health and safety protocols.”
This led to Mayor Theresa Berger and the Council reopening the parks for all organized sports. This allows sports to resume and use the fields for all planned activities, games and practices.
With this news, Howell Township and Lakewood Township have come together to coordinate frequent sanitation of their parks. Lakewood Public Works have already been sanitizing its own buildings, parks and playgrounds.
Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles and Township Manager Patrick Donnelly extended their help to Howell and assembled its Public Works Department to sanitize their parks and playgrounds so all citizens can enjoy the public facilities. The Director of Public Works Paul Novello stated how Lakewood will be assisting in cleaning six of Howells parks.
With parks opening for sports events, it’s encouraged that all visitors maintain social distancing and wear masks.