HOWELL – After being the main topic of two special meetings of the Planning Board, the “Views at Monmouth Manor” affordable housing plan will be up for public comment on February 17.
The 319-unit residential development is proposed by FP Howell, LLC, and the Estate of William Whalen by Gina Bettencourt, John Berkoben and Ruth Bennett, as owners. They are seeking preliminary and final major subdivision approval and site plan approval for the Views at Monmouth Manor on a 102-acre tract at Fort Plains and Sunnyside roads in Howell.
The proposed 319 residential units would consist of 72 homes sold at market rates, 155 townhomes sold at market rates and 92 condominiums/apartments to be designated as affordable housing.
Over several months, the board held public hearings on the Views at Monmouth Manor which subsequently led to the special meeting on January 31.
Attorney Kenneth Pape, who represented the applicant, called on planner Stuart Challoner to continue the presentation. Challoner explained how they’ve made changes to the application regarding improvements on Fort Plains Road.
“The applicant extended an additional 5 feet for road width improvements along Fort Plains Road. The landscaping was updated, additional buffer trees were planted around the perimeter. We added additional buffer trees between the rear of the residential and the condo buildings that are backing up to Fort Plains Road,” Challoner said.
According to the applicant, about 202 trees are predicted to be removed during the construction of the development. However, they plan on planting a total of 599 new trees with 249 trees to be street trees. This does not include the foundation plantings for the condominiums.
“This plan is not impressive in my opinion. It looks anorexic in the landscaping. I know you want to go for the number, but the buffer plantings are not impressive in my opinion; like it is really unimpressive. I don’t even know what to say about it,” Planning Board member Jennifer Beahm said.
Ron Cucchiaro, the board’s attorney, said he would not recommend granting final site plan approval due to the testimony and reports.
Since no decision was made, the application will be carried to the February 17 meeting where the public will be able to comment on the project.