LACEY – Oyster Creek has a new owner.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved license transfer from Exelon Generation Company to Oyster Creek Environmental Protection, according to NRC officials.
In addition, Holtec Decommissioning International has been named decommissioning operator.
The license transfer request was made back in August and was approved June 20. The Commission denied two requests for an adjudicatory hearing that challenged the transfer June 18.
“The license transfer includes the dry cask spent fuel storage installation at Oyster Creek. The NRC order approving the license transfer is effective immediately, but the license transfer will not be finalized until the successful completion of the transaction between Exelon, OCEP and HDI. At that point, the NRC will issue a license amendment reflecting completion of the transfer,” a June 20 NRC statement said.
Oyster Creek ceased operations last September.