NEW EGYPT – The Annual New Egypt Elks Summer Camp Out is approaching. Get ready for campfires, s’mores and summer games from Friday, July 21 to Sunday, July 23. Families can bring their camper, RV or tent and stay all weekend, or just for the day.
Keep in mind:
- No hook ups are available for Campers or RVs; if you are bringing a generator, be kind to your neighbors
- Flush bathrooms will be open at the pavilion
- No alcohol is allowed on Elks property per NJ ABC rules
- No individual campfires are allowed
- Check-in is any time after 4 p.m. on Friday
RSPV to Dana Burns at 609-556-9264 to secure your camp site, advise what day you plan to arrive, if you plan to bring a camper/RV or tent, and the number of adults and children coming.
Friday, July 21:
- Dinner and music at Harry’s Pavilion with a buffet of pulled pork, hamburgers & hot dogs, corn on the cob, baked beans and more. Adults cost $12, seniors (60+) cost $8, children (4-12) cost $6 and children 3 and under are free.
Saturday, July 22:
- Movie under the stars for the children (weather permitting).
- Weekend activities include decorating your campsite with a theme of “Christmas in July” and squirt gun tag, among other games.
- A la carte dinner at 5 p.m. of sausage, hamburgers, hot dogs and more.
- Campfire desserts of s’mores
- Registration for Summer Olympics starts at 11 a.m. and games start at 12 p.m. Cost is $15 and includes buffet. Games include horseshoes, quoits, washers, corn hole, field pong and more. Get your team of four together now and become an Olympian. Buffet is $5 for spectators.
- There will be three bands performing, two at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. and then to finish the night with a bang, we have back this year our favorite hometown band, the “Pride and Joy” of New Egypt, the Black Brant Band at 7:30 p.m.
- Elks 11th Hour Toast at 11 p.m.
All non-Elk members must be signed in as a guest by an Elk member. If you would like to find out more about becoming an Elk member, please contact 609-758-8700.