NEW JERSEY – Performer Terry Lee Goffee brings Johnny Cash back to life on stage. He looks like Johnny. He sounds like Johnny. He moves like Johnny. Nobody does Johnny Cash like Terry Lee. The popular “Johnny Cash Tribute” is sponsored by the Ramtown First Aid Squad on November 16 at the Howell Twp. Middle School South.
Among the 34 songs included in the tribute are such Cash classics as: “A Boy Named Sue”, “Sunday Morning Coming Down”, “I Walk the Line”, “Ring Of Fire”, “Folsom Prison Blues”. Terry Lee’s tribute act was performed in Nashville with Cash’s brother and sister attending. Tommy Cash stated, “My brother would be proud.” Joanne Cash Yates commented, “It’s a wonderful show, I would recommend it to anyone; you don’t impersonate my brother, you pay tribute to him with honor.”
States Mr. Goffee “I wanted to make my show a little different and unique by portraying Johnny Cash in the first person, rather than just standing there singing the songs”. “Like an actor in a play, I literally become my character Johnny Cash, from the moment I walk onstage until the end of the show.”
Terry Lee’s Tribute to Johnny Cash has taken him all across the U S, Canada, Ireland and the UK. In 2009 he was selected to provide the moves for the Johnny Cash character in Guitar Hero 5.
Proceeds from ticket sales will be used to help defray the costs of the Squads operating expenses including supplies, equipment, ambulance maintenance, and member training. Tickets are $17.00 general admission and are available at Eventbrite.com and at the door. Ages 12 and under admitted free. The show starts at 7:30 p.m.