I’ve noticed something recently, that nice people tend to be better drivers. They are more likely to let someone pull in front of them. More likely to be cautious. More likely to drive slowly in residential areas. More likely to expect that there are kids at play.
The opposite is also true. Aggressive people drive aggressively. Passive aggressive people are the worst – they’ll cut you off in a gentle motion, pretending not to even notice you. People who multitask too much are checking their texts – or even playing a game – on their phones. What are these people like once they step out of their car? Probably the same.
Look at the people who are calm behind the wheel. They’re not in a hurry. They are not distracted.
Drivers who see the big picture are much safer. They see all the cars and prepare ahead for where everyone’s headed. They’re not throwing trash out the window. They also expect that there are a few aggressive drivers and nutjobs on the road. They hope for the best and expect the worst.
So, if you’re always in a rush, speeding down the road and cutting people off, while talking on the phone and tossing cigarettes out the window, what does that say about you?
Chris Lundy
News Editor
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