The federal government needs to work quickly, but intelligently, to build a new Veterans Administration clinic in Ocean County.
It’s been said that some things on the government level move at a snail’s pace. The larger the bureaucracy, the slower it goes. So, if that’s true, then we probably won’t see a new VA hospital finished in Ocean County for a decade. After all, a location still has to be picked. Needs assessed. Plans drawn up and approved.
I expect that the county – and whatever local municipality winds up hosting it – will expedite all approvals so that they don’t provide any speed bumps along the route. I’m more worried about the federal government.
I don’t think anyone would want the Veterans Administration to rush into a project and make mistakes, but I think I speak for everyone when I urge them to be efficient in the process. They must make a concerted effort to choose the perfect spot for veterans. They must build a facility that can truly address the needs of an aging population in Ocean County. And they must do it without wasting money. It’s an enormous undertaking, and I hope they realize how important it is.
Chris Lundy
News Editor