As crews dig into Route 9 near the intersection with Frederick Drive in Berkeley, residents wanted to know what they were doing there.
They were installing a pedestrian signal at the intersection. Pedestrians will be able to push a button to turn the light red and then they can cross safely.
Online chatter was mixed. In one camp was “Finally! That intersection is so dangerous!” In the other camp was “Another (expletive deleted) light?”
True, there is a traffic light at 9 and Ocean Gate Drive, which is very close to Frederick Drive. And another traffic light will definitely slow things down.
But that’s the point.
There have been at least three fatalities at that intersection and numerous other injuries. It is impossible to say how many near-misses there have been. A traffic signal was definitely needed.
Route 9 is only going to get busier. Drivers need to expect it and officials have to be proactive about it. Berkeley had been pushing for this light for a number of years, and the state took a while to approve it, but now that it’s finally happening, it is for the best.
Chris Lundy
News Editor
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