We’re doing something wrong because, as a nation, we spend twice what other comparable countries spend on health care, but we have the lowest life expectancy. Worse, we have the highest infant mortality rates. Our medical system is expensive, slow, inefficient and at times miserably incompetent.
It’s not me saying this, I’m just passing along news from a JAMA study that was just released. Today I’d like to get back to nature. I’m going to share the best teas for various health concerns. Teas are gentle but they contain powerful natural compounds that man has relied on for eons. If you have a medical condition, please make sure your practitioner or local herbalist or acupuncturist weighs in for you. The teas I mention below are sold as commercially prepared teabags or you can learn to make them yourself.
If you want help with cancer and immunity. – Many good animal studies prove that EGCG in green tea can slow down the growth of many cancers, including pancreatic cancer. Angiogenesis slows. If you have chronic infections or cancer, talk to your oncologist about taking this because timing is important if you’re on chemo.
If you want help remembering. – Gotu kola is for your brain baby! It boosts memory and helps with age-related cognitive decline. I have my own refreshing recipe for Mint Hibiscus Memory Tea. If you’d like to watch my video, I’ll make this exact tea for you. Watch at suzycohen.com/hibiscus-tea
If you want to sleep. – Lavender tea is the best option. It works like prescribed tranquilizers, meaning it activates your natural sleep hormone called GABA. Rose petals can do the same thing! I crawled out of bed one night in my jammies to make Lavender Rose Sleep Tea. Watch my video: suzycohen.com/lavender-rose-tea
If you have diabetes or want to lower blood pressure. – Rooibos tea is excellent at cleaning capillaries and there are many of these tiny capillaries that lead to your retina. I think it’s great for both blood pressure and vision. Rooibos, has no caffeine. It contains chrysoeriol which helps reduce blood pressure. You might also consider goldenseal or dandelion, two of Mother Nature’s best diuretics.
If you want to relieve nausea. – Ginger tea is easy to make, and it does not have caffeine. It contains numerous biologically active compounds including gingerols which act like medicine in the body. You can grate fresh ginger into some water and simmer it for a few minutes. It’s also a potent anti-inflammatory for joint health.
Allergies and Sinus Problems – The herb stinging nettles is a very common natural way to deal with allergies. It’s a natural antihistamine and anti-inflammatory herb. It helps with hay fever according to some well-designed trials. You should ask your practitioner about this if you’re interested. It’s a natural diuretic by the way so be careful if you take HCTZ or furosemide.