BRICK – Brick Township’s Environmental Commission plans to host a community cleanup on August 4 at 9 a.m. at the Sawmill Tract bicycle and hiking trail, as part of the township-wide “Pick up Brick” campaign.
If you wish to join in the cleanup effort, parking will be available at the Haven’s Homestead property.
Members of the Environmental Commission will be present at the trail’s access points off of Burnt Tavern Road west of Maple Avenue, at the Fire Training Center, 500 Herbertsville Road and Herbertsville Park at 501 Colorado Avenue. Members will provide bags, gloves, and instructions to any volunteers.
Dress appropriately to avoid tick exposure by wearing hats and long sleeves. There will be walking involved.
If you’re interested in helping to clean up Brick, email pickupbrick@bricktownship.net. For more information on the “Pick up Brick” program call 732-262-1050 or email pickupbrick@bricktownship.net.