BRICK – A total of four candidates have filed petitions to run for two seats on the Brick Township Board of Education in the November election.
Current members Melita Gagliardi and Daisy Haffner have stated they are not seeking re-election, leaving two open seats on the board.
School board races are supposed to be nonpartisan, so the candidates aren’t referred to by their political party. Instead, they are allowed to have a short slogan after their name.
The candidates fighting for a seat on the board include:
- Frances DiBenedictis, “Our Children First”
- Madeline Iannarone, “Our Children First”
- Erin Wheeler, “Together for Brick”
- Maureen Molz, “Together for Brick”
DiBenedictis previously ran for the school board last year. She also has a special needs child in the district.
Iannarone has been a Brick Township resident all of her life. She volunteers with the Trap-Neuter-Release program and has worked for the township’s recreation department for many years. She previously ran for the school board 2016.
Wheeler is an alternate commissioner on the Brick Township MUA. Additionally, she is a member of Clean Ocean Action as well as a certified Girl Scout leader.
Molz, who is a retired engineer, previously worked for the Federal Aviation Administration and the U.S. Army.
In surrounding towns such as Point Pleasant and Lakewood Township, the following candidates have filed for a seat for their respective Boards:
For Point Pleasant Beach Board of Education, Sherry M. Finn and Joyce A. Popaca are seeking re-election. Challenging for a seat is Christine Grier, “Back to Basics.” Christopher Mullins is seeking election to the one-year unexpired term of the seat he was appointed to earlier this year.
For Point Pleasant Borough Board of Education, current members Jacquelyn Wieland and Diane Peterson will not be seeking re-election. Those fighting for a seat are Michael Sullivan, “Make Students 1st”; John LoVerde, “Teach 3 R’s”; Stephen Henry, “Point Pleasant Strong”; William Munn; William J. Dikun; and Heather Kertman.
For Lakewood Board of Education, four incumbent members are seeking re-election: Moshe Bresler “Vouchers, Bussing, Accountability”, Meir Grunhut, Isaac Zlatkin and Shlomie Z. Stern. Eliyahu Greenwald is seeking re-election to the one-year unexpired term.
General Election Day will be held on November 8 where residents can vote to elect the listed candidates for school board members.