BRICK – Things will look a little different this year when students and staff of Brick Township Public Schools return for the 2017-2018 school year.
Over the summer, the east parking lot at Brick Township High School was resurfaced with asphalt and paving markings, and the parking area at the Veterans Memorial Complex was reconfigured and repaved with new bus drop-off and pick up areas, allowing for a much better flow of traffic.
“The Veterans Memorial Complex, home to Veterans Memorial Elementary and Middle schools, has adjusted the bus parking configuration and the traffic flow for both the middle and elementary schools. We are very happy to be able to complete these much needed projects,” said Acting Superintendent, Dennis Filippone
Other projects in the school district included a new outdoor track at BTHS Keller Memorial Field and a new roof at the Warren H. Wolf Elementary School.
“We are excited for our students and staff to return for the 17-18 School year. Several large projects are near completion or will be completed by the first day of school. Our east parking lot has been repaved and the HS track at Keller Memorial Field will be ready sometime in mid-September. We are grateful to our Central Administrative staff and BOE for continuing to make much needed improvements at BTHS,” said BTHS Principal William Kleissler.

Brick Township Public Schools remind parents to take the following safety measures with their children:
- Parents should tell their children to look both ways in the parking lot. Even though it might not be a street, cars and buses are coming and going, so looking left and right for traffic is important.
- Please obey the bus lines and car lines.
- No running, horseplay or goofing off should be tolerated in the parking lot.
School parking lots can be very busy in both the mornings and afternoons, when children arrive at school and when they are dismissed for the day. Making sure that no one gets hurt is a primary concern of the School Board and staff, and requires participation by all. While the School Board encourages students to take the bus to school to free up unnecessary traffic, there are designated areas for parents to drop off and pick up their children. Parents are advised to be cautious and follow the flow of traffic in these areas.