BRICK – Some of the barrier island roads that continuously flood should see some relief as the governing body awarded a $321,013 bid to Earle Asphalt Company of Farmingdale for the resurfacing, concrete and drainage improvements of Deauville Drive, Sunset Boulevard, Bay Avenue, Squan Beach Drive and Curtis Point Drive.
Bid notices were provided to 73 prospective bidders of which seven requested the bid package, said Mayor John G. Ducey during a recent Township Council meeting. Five bids were submitted with prices ranging from the awarded bid up to $496,107.
Roads that flood on the mainland whenever there is a high tide with a full moon should also see some relief as the council awarded a contract of $287,882 to Meco, Inc. for roadway improvements to Vanard Drive, Mathis Drive and Waterway Court, which are part of Shore Acres.
The project consists of reconstruction, milling and elevating the roadways, the mayor said.
Notices were provided to 73 prospective bidders. Six requested bid packages, five were submitted with prices ranging from the winning bid up to $424,955.
During the meeting, the governing body introduced four road-related ordinances, including a Parking of Certain Vehicles ordinance which says that trucks having a gross weight of more than four tons are not allowed to be parked on any street or right-of-way within the township between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.
“Traffic Safety and Code Enforcement have recommended that [the ordinance] be amended,” said Council President Lisa Crate. “As many standard pickup trucks…can range between 9,000 pounds and 10,000 pounds. As a result the Council’s Public Safety Committee met and amended this ordinance and amendment.”
The Council’s Public Safety Committee also reviewed a recommendation from the Police Department’s Traffic Safety Unit regarding on-street parking for Jeannette Drive on the barrier island, which has been an issue since reconstruction after Superstorm Sandy, Crate said.
The ordinance prohibits parking on Jeanette Drive due to concerns about the accessibility of emergency vehicles, she said.
“Traffic safety looked at this from a practical perspective, functionality, as well as from the needs and desires of the homeowner tenants,” Crate said.
The roadway right-of-way is 25 feet wide, and does not allow enough clearance for a fire truck and its crew to operate properly when cars are parked on the side of the road.
“Effectively fighting a fire in this type of neighborhood would require several pieces of specialized fire apparatus, EMS vehicles and other emergency responders, which would all need somewhere to park and operate from,” Crate said.
A third ordinance would designate Folsom Drive from Route 88 to Old Squan Road as a through street.

The area has seen an increase in traffic since the opening of a nearby Dunkin Donuts on Route 88, said Councilwoman Heather DeJong. Coupled with traffic from the learning academy, Creative Starts on Old Squan Road, and vehicles accessing St. Dominic Church via Folsom Drive, residents there have expressed their concerns about traffic safety, she said.
As part of the ordinance, a stop sign will be installed at the intersection of Folsom Drive and Center Drive, DeJong added.
And finally, the speed limit on Mandalay Road will be reduced from 35 mph to 25 mph between Drum Point Road and a calming circle on St. Lawrence Blvd.
“Since 1989, this section of Mandalay Road has been improved, and in doing so now meets the definition of a residential street,” Crate said.
“Statutory speed for the residential neighborhood is 25 mph,” she said. “The speed limit on all surrounding streets in this area is 25 mph, except for Drum Point Road, which is 40 mph.