BRICK – An on-site assessment will take place later this month to determine whether the Brick Township Police Department meets recognized professional best practices.
The department is seeking accreditation from the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police. This accreditation requires the department to meet best practices in five areas: administrative function, personnel function, operations function, investigative function, and arrestee/detainee function.
Comments from agency employees and the public will be taken 10-11 a.m. Oct. 23 at 732-262-1107. Comments can also be emailed to employment@brickpd.com. The assessment team will be taking comments.
Callers will have five minutes to address the agency’s ability to comply with those accreditation standards. The standards can be viewed at the police station, 401 Chambers Bridge Road. Contact Lt. Vincent Coburn for more information at 732-262-4786.
Written comments must also only address the department’s meeting of accreditation standards. Those can be sent to Harry J Delgado, Ed.S Accreditation Program Director, hdelgado@njsacop.org, or the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police, Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission at 751 Route 73 North, Suite 12, Marlton, N.J. 08053.