BRICK – The roads in the Laurelhurst section of town, located off Princeton Avenue, were paved when the homes were sporadically built there between the 1940s – 1980s.
During the June 9 Township Council meeting, the governing body authorized a grant application to New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) 2022 Municipal Aid for the Laurelhurst Phase 3 project.
The roadways were paved in phases, so the conditions vary throughout the area. Some of the surface course is in excess of 20 years old and has experienced extreme wear, in addition to settlement associated with utility trenches.
The overall project consists of mill and overlay, and profile no overlay, as well as curb/ramp upgrades, drainage improvements and other associated work to the following roads: Fieldcrest Lane, Harmony Drive, Allen Ellen Drive, Walden Road, Cottage Place, Greenhill Drive, Glen Ridge Court, Wayside Drive, Tanglewood Road, Bonnie Court, Orchard Court, and Laurelhurst Drive.
“This is just for the grant application,” said Mayor John G. Ducey. “I hope we can get this funding, and obviously from there we would have the design, and then eventually, construct, so it is still a few years out, but it is important to get this application in now.”